
käpy; seine netting needle; net shuttle; verkon tai nuotan käpy


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käpy; seine netting needle; net shuttle; verkon tai nuotan käpy

fyysinen kuvaus: Pääluettelo: Verkonkäpy, luuta, keskeltä kapeampi, molemmissa päissä haarukka. Toisen lappeen reunoissa uurrettu juova, joiden välissä on ristiviivoitusta. Mitat 17.6 sm x 2.0 sm. Peabody Mus. n:o 49964.

Verkonkäpy, karibunsarvea tai luuta. Pitkänomainen käpy kapenee keskeltä hieman ja levenee haarukkamaisiksi veistettyjä päitä kohti. Toiselle puolelle on kaiverrettu koristeeksi urat ja niiden väliin verkkomaista kuviota. Kaiverruskuviot on tummennettu mustalla.

Western Arctic Net shuttle. The net shuttle is made of caribou antler or bone. The shape is oblong slightly tapering in the middle and wider at the forked ends. On one side, two long lines and a cross-hatch design has been incised and pigmented in black.

Originally in the collections of the Peabody Museum, at Harvard University, in the United States. Donated to Peabody Museum by the Smithsonian Institution in 1888. Peabody received information that the object was collected by an unknown person within the period 1838 - 1886. The first date is in the Russian era, so it might be irrelevant or should be 1883. During the 1880s Smithsonian seems to have mainly received artifacts collected from Western Alaska by persons involved in the US Army, perhaps this is a “seine needle” from Kobuk River collected by Lt. G.M. Stoney during his 1883 - 1886 expeditions (object number E-127918-0 seems to have the same length).
