
Zuixin "Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo xingzheng susongfa" tiaowen shiyi ji peitao falü fagui yu sifa jieshi shiyong quanshu = A latest practical complete book of provision explanations for administrative procedure law of the People's Republic of China, its supporting laws and regulations and judicial interpretations


Zuixin "Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo xingzheng susongfa" tiaowen shiyi ji peitao falü fagui yu sifa jieshi shiyong quanshu = A latest practical complete book of provision explanations for administrative procedure law of the People's Republic of China, its supporting laws and regulations and judicial interpretations

最新《中华人民共和国行政诉讼法》条文释义及配套法律法规与司法解释实用全书 = A latest practical complete book of provision explanations for administrative procedure law of the People's Republic of China, its supporting laws and regulations and judicial interpretations