
Kahdeksasluokkalaisten kokemuksia nonlineaarisen pedagogiikan vaikutuksesta viihtyvyyteen liikuntatunnilla

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Kahdeksasluokkalaisten kokemuksia nonlineaarisen pedagogiikan vaikutuksesta viihtyvyyteen liikuntatunnilla

The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to determine how eight graders experience a nonlinear teaching approach during Physical Education in Secondary school. Nonlinear pedagogy highlights the meaning of learning environment and learning tasks and it acknowledges the individual differences. It aims to do exercises in as authentic, comprehensive, inspiring and variable situations as possible. According to the Self-Determination theory by Ryan and Deci experiences of autonomy, competence and relatedness have an influence on enjoyment and motivation. Autonomy, competence and relatedness are also emphasized by the current curriculum (2014). The experiences of the pupils were examined by questionnaires. In addition to the quantitative method the open answers were examined by a qualitative content analysis. The research was executed autumn 2018 during four different PE lessons. The same lesson content with the same lesson goals were thought by two different teaching approaches. Both the traditional and the nonlinear approach were used to clarify the difference between these approaches to the pupils. Over 80 pupils participated in the PE lessons. 50 pupils participated in the questionnaire. The data was analyzed in crosstables, by qhi square test, by t-test, by Mann-Whitney’s U-test and by a one-way variance analysis (ANOVA). According to the results there was not a statistically relevant difference in experiences of enjoyment during these two teaching approaches. The nonlinear exercises increased the feeling of autonomy and togetherness, then again the traditional exercises increased the feeling of competence. The gender factor did not have a statistically relevant difference on the experience of enjoyment, although the girls’ answers were slightly more positive. We did find a statistically relevant difference (p=0,017) between the teaching approaches and the pupils’ relationship towards exercise. The ones who enjoyed PE lessons in general seemed to be more positive towards the nonlinear approach. The open answers in the questionnair indicated that the pupils had noticed and understood the differences between the nonlinear and the traditional approach. The nonlinear exercises did receive more positive expressions in the questionnaire. The pupils liked the authentic action and the chance to collaborate together with friends. In addition, many answers expressed, that the nonlinear method felt different and therefore interesting. Others experienced the nonlinear method difficult and didn’t see the logic in it as there was not any specific instructions. In conclusion we would like to say, that despite the statistically inrelevant results, the nonlinear method is a suitable approach to be used in Physical Education in Secondary school. Many of the pupils did find the nonlinear exercises to have a positive impact on their enjoyment. We view that it is good to vary teaching methods since no single teaching method is the only correct one.

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