
Opiskelun ja opinto-ohjauksen sähköisten työkalujen ja palveluiden kokonaisuuden kehittäminen Lappeenrannan teknillisessä yliopistossa


Opiskelun ja opinto-ohjauksen sähköisten työkalujen ja palveluiden kokonaisuuden kehittäminen Lappeenrannan teknillisessä yliopistossa

Development of the Set of the Electronic Learning and Study Guidance Tools and Services in Lappenranta University of Technology

The need for development of the set of the electronic studying and study guidance tools has risen from various student feedback surveys. This master’s thesis investigates is the current set of the tools and services functional from the LUT students’ point of view and is it needed to be changed some way. In the thesis the current set of the tools and services was analyzed and a survey was conducted for the students. The students find the current set of tools confusing although the functions of individual tools or services are clear. The amount of the tools and services should be reduced and the set should be defined clearer. The set of tools and services should be developed primarily as a whole taking the needs of the users into account. The set of the tools and services should be easy to use regardless of the device used. The guidance and communication of using the tools and services should be developed.
