
Kustannuskehitykseen liittyvän tiedon hallinta ja prosessointi osana liiketoimintatiedon hallintaa metsäteollisuuden logistiikan hankintaorganisaatiossa


Kustannuskehitykseen liittyvän tiedon hallinta ja prosessointi osana liiketoimintatiedon hallintaa metsäteollisuuden logistiikan hankintaorganisaatiossa

Logistics cost information management and processing as a part of business information management process in logistics sourcing organisation in forest industry field

Aim of this thesis was to define the process for information management of logistic costs as a part of the business information management in logistics sourcing organization in forest industry field. The purpose of this process is to describe how to report, analyse, structure and forecast the logistics costs development in supply chain taking into consideration all the relevant economic and operational effects. In the future, purpose of this process is to improve the transparency of the logistics cost development and support different types of sensitivity and risk analyses, strategic planning processes and different ad-hoc projects. Qualitive and quantitative research methods were utilized in this case- study. The empirical study was carried out as observing and participating member in different working groups in the natural working environment of the case-company.

As an outcome of this study, comprehensive view about the direct and indirect variables effecting the logistics cost development in case-company was determined. Based on the findings about the different variables, new operating model for logistics cost forecasting, reporting and analysing was documented. This new operating model improves the transparency of the cost development internally in logistics sourcing organisation and towards the business areas inside the case-company. During the research period, few development objects related the cost reporting and cost handling were listed as prospective upcoming research themes.

Significant development work is required to improve the agility related the cost forecasting and reporting. Manually updated calculations, reports, presentations and analyses are time-consuming. The consumed time would need to be more effectively used for reading and interpreting the ready-made and automatically updating reports and presentations. Building the new data warehouse and business intelligence project are leading the progress into right direction in case-company. At the same time, the automated and digitalized business processes are supporting the development and improving the data and information transparency inside the case-company.

Based on the literature review and the conclusions from this study, can be stated that the development work related to digital logistics reporting, requires deep understanding of the big picture and the system processes related to sales, production and supply chain.
