
Digitalisaatiosta aiheutuvan psyykkisen kuormituksen rooli esimiesten työhyvinvoinnissa


Digitalisaatiosta aiheutuvan psyykkisen kuormituksen rooli esimiesten työhyvinvoinnissa

The role of digitalization in psychological strain of the managers

This study examined the role of digitalization in psychological strain or the managers. Digitalization has changed many jobs and ways of working, and this affects to the well-being of managers. Although the experience of well-being at work is subjective and influenced by many factors, there are nevertheless certain factors that cause work strain. The aim of the study was to find out what role digitalization plays in these factors and how digitalized practices strain managers.

The study was conducted as a qualitative study for chosen interviewees consisting of individuals in managerial positions. The interviews were conducted as one-on-one interviews and the material obtained from the interviews was compared with the previous literature. The theoretical background of this study was formed from the literature on well-being at work, work strain and digitalization. The results of the study indicate that digitalization plays a major role in factors affecting well-being at work. Among these factors especially work-related factors are significantly affected by digitalization. However, the study cannot determine which factors affect the strain the most, as already mentioned, experiencing well-being at work is subjective.
