
Comparative study of the techno-economic performance of various energy storage solutions for fast-acting grid balancing applications


Comparative study of the techno-economic performance of various energy storage solutions for fast-acting grid balancing applications

This thesis focuses on conducting a comparative study to analyze the techno-economic performance of various energy storage solutions for fast-acting grid balancing applications, specifically in frequency control markets. The goal of this research is to provide insights into the suitability of different energy storage technologies for specific frequency control markets, namely FCR-D down-regulation, FCR-D up-regulation, FCR-N, and FFR. By evaluating key parameters such as charge/discharge power, Capex, Opex, and NPV, the study aims to inform stakeholders and market participants about the most appropriate energy storage options for each market. The findings will help guide decision-making processes, optimize energy storage investments, and contribute to the enhancement of grid stability in dynamic electricity markets.
