
Fertility and conception options for HIV-serodiscordant couples in Sub Saharan Africa


Fertility and conception options for HIV-serodiscordant couples in Sub Saharan Africa

The purpose of this study was to explore the safer conception methods available for HIVserodiscordant couples in Sub Saharan Africa and the role of health care systems through nurses concerning informing and advising the couples on the methods. The research questions were: 1) What are the safer conception methods available for HIV-serodiscordant couples in Sub Saharan Africa? 2) What is the nurse’s role in helping the couples achieve conception while reducing transmission risk of HIV to the uninfected partner? A literature review was done for the study in search for the answers to the research questions. The search for articles was done in EBSCO, CINAHL, PubMed, SCIENCE Direct databases and in google scholar. The search phrases used are: HIV-serodiscordant couples AND conception, HIV-serodiscordant couples AND conception AND care. The conceptual framework for understanding HIV risk behavior in the context of supporting goals among HIV- serodiscordant couples by Crankshaw et al (2012) was used to guide this study. Content analysis of the chosen 10 articles was done using Graneheim & Lundmans 2004 approach. The findings show that there are low cost safer conception methods that can be used along with interventions thereby helping the couples conceive and lowering the risk of transmission in Sub Saharan Africa. However, some methods are not feasible due to the resource constraints experienced in this region. Information on the available methods and how to use them is lacking leaving the couples at risk due to lack of knowledge. The nurses’ role in informing and educating the couples on the issue was cited as important as information would motivate the couples to use the methods. Structural, cultural and social contexts where individuals and couples are placed were found to influence effectiveness and use of the safer conception strategies.
