
Arjen käytäntöjen opas lastentarhanopettajan työvälineenä

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Arjen käytäntöjen opas lastentarhanopettajan työvälineenä

The subject of this thesis was a guide to everyday practises. The aim of this study was to examine how the guide to everyday practises helps kindergarten teachers in their planning and how it works as a tool in a kindergarten teacher’s work. This thesis also examined how taking the guide into use went and how the guide could be developed.

This thesis was qualitative. The research material was collected through a themed group discussion. Two group discussions were held and participants were kindergarten teachers. The themes of the group discussions based on the guide to everyday practises and the theory linked to it.

The guide to everyday practises works as an indirect tool in the planning of kindergarten teacher’s work. Using the guide to everyday practises varies a lot. Some day care centers had just started to process of guide to everyday practises and some had used it more. The guide to everyday practises increased the sense of community in the work community. The guide has a lot of information about an ideal day care center and how kindergarten teachers should work there for the wellbeing of the child.

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