
Työhyvinvointi ja henkilöstövaje Helsingin kaupungin varhaiskasvatuksessa : varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien ja päiväkodin johtajien kokemuksia ja ratkaisuehdotuksia


Työhyvinvointi ja henkilöstövaje Helsingin kaupungin varhaiskasvatuksessa : varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien ja päiväkodin johtajien kokemuksia ja ratkaisuehdotuksia


Hanna Salminen Workplace well-being and understaffing in Helsinki City Early Education – Experiences and suggestions of early education teachers and day care centre directors 83 pages and 3 appendices Spring, 2022 Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Master’s Degree in the Promotion of Social Inclusion and Social Rehabilitation Master of Social Services

The aim of this study was to gather experience-based knowledge from early education teachers and early education directors about matters that affect their job satisfaction and workplace well-being, the effects that understaffing has on their work, and ideas for possible solutions to the staff shortage situation.

Expertise of people who work in early education on daily basis is put forward in this study so that their work conditions would be better seen, and their development ideas better heard. The aim is that information in this study can be utilized by Helsinki City when making decisions regarding early childhood education.

The data for this qualitative research study was collected in summer 2021 using the Webropol survey tool. The survey was sent to day care directors of a Helsinki early education region and to early education teachers from various Helsinki regions who participate in peer mentoring groups. The analysing method in this study was databased content analysis.

The most important factors of workplace well-being and job satisfaction for early education directors and teachers are the quality of the workplace atmosphere and the amount and quality of staff resources. Also challenges that have to do with leadership and administration inside the Childhood and Education Department of Helsinki were raised. Study participants reported that the staff shortage has led to a high staff turnover rate, low education levels, a large workload and emotional loads for professionals as well as effects on children’s behaviour and feelings of safety, as well as difficulties in getting special support for the children who need it. Participants cited exceptionally demanding work conditions and the low value that society places on early education work as the main reasons for the staff shortage.

Suggested solutions to the staff shortage include increased salary, ensuring pay was proportionate to the required skill set and demands of the work, improving working conditions, a better substitute system, group assistants, work counselling and other structures to support workplace well-being, collaboration with institutions providing education and opportunities for additional training on top of working.

Keywords: early education, workplace well-being, occupational well-being, job satisfaction, staff shortage, understaffing, leadership, work environment, segregation, salaries
