
Vajaaravitsemuksen tunnistaminen,hoito ja seuranta : - kysely hoitajille Jyväskylän yhteistoiminta-alueen terveyskeskussairaalassa

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Vajaaravitsemuksen tunnistaminen,hoito ja seuranta : - kysely hoitajille Jyväskylän yhteistoiminta-alueen terveyskeskussairaalassa

The Thesis was carried out in collaboration with the Hospital of Health Centre of Jyväskylä Cooperation Area (JYTE). The study included all nine wards at Muurame, Kyllö and Palokka and their 237 nurses and practical nurses. The purpose of this study was to identify JYTE's Hospital of Health Centre nurses and practical nurses know-how, the ability and attitude to identify, treat and monitor the patient's malnutrition. The method that was used in Thesis, was quantitative survey research. The electronic survey had structured questions and mixed questions, which had been planned in advance as well as open questions. The nurses responded to an online survey in August-September 2015, the response time was two weeks. Replies were received by the end of deadline from 122 nurses and practical nurses, response rate was 51.47%. Based on the results of the survey malnutrition screening was not used on a regular basis in JYTE’s health care center hospital, only a small part of the nurses had used malnutrition screening to identify the patient's malnutrition. The majority of those nurses (65.57%) who answered for survey, where able to identify the patient's malnutrition satisfactorily and about one-third of the nurses was able to identify malnutrition as well. Nurses would like to develop the identification of the patient's malnutrition by nurses' training, malnutrition screening and multi-professional co-operation. The majority (88.52%) of the nurses felt that high-quality treatment of malnutrition did not have any obstacles. Further research could examine how the use of malnutrition screening in practice can improve the results of patient’s treatments. Could these results affect the length of patients care at the hospital and reduce the health care costs.

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