
Harmonikansoitto nyt ja tulevaisuudessa


Harmonikansoitto nyt ja tulevaisuudessa

Thesis was inspired by accordion music and accordion playing. The goal was to find out how accordion teaching is arranged in the music institutes in Finland. For the future this work has brought up things from Finnish accordion history till this day and mapped out the situation today. In the background there was a need to have information about employment as an accordion teacher and to raise awareness of accordions possibilities as an instrument. The research was executed as quantitative research and the elaborate form of research was mapping research. The most natural execution to gather information was to send the inquiry to music institutes so information could be gathered comprehensively and as much as possible. In addition to the inquiry the theory base was gathered by researching information from books and e-books. A good point of view for the development of accordion was by describing accordion music history till this day. The inquiry was answered widely from different places in Finland and from many different music institutes. The analysis was executed by outlining the data and gathering it, so it is easy to understand. The results were variable and for example the number of students had many differences. Similar results were gathered with age distribution and the number of teachers. Different styles of music were taught regardless of the music institute and its location. All the results from the inquiry were graphically assembled in charts and diagrams and explained in text form. In conclusion about the research, accordion’s popularity in music institutes was centred on children and young adults. However, accordion’s popularity was not on the rise as compared to the accordion’s golden times. For the future, employment is unstable because getting students to music institutes can’t be guaranteed even though the music institute would choose all the applicants as students.
