
The views of younger generations towards investing in cryptocurrencies


The views of younger generations towards investing in cryptocurrencies

The world of investments has evolved and changed a lot in the past 100 years. There have been new phenomena and ways of investing. An invention in the investment space is cryptocurrencies and they intend to not only be a new investment, but also revolutionize payment systems by making payments truly peer-topeer without the need of a third party. Cryptocurrencies as an entity are controversial in nature, as they have positives and negatives about them that influence a lot of peoples view about them. In recent years they’ve gained a lot of media attention as notable public figures such as Elon Musk and Warren Buffet, discuss them and why they support or hate the idea of cryptocurrencies. The goal of this study was to investigate the minds of younger generations of students to have a look how they view cryptocurrencies and if they were interested in investing in them. This helps set up a picture of what the attitudes of the younger generations are towards cryptocurrencies and if any biases show up when it comes to discussing cryptocurrencies among them. The research was conducted in an exploratory approach utilizing a Google forms survey to gather respondents for the sample. The survey reached 70 respondent who were mainly from Finland, Germany, and the United Kingdom. The results generally indicated that cryptocurrencies among the younger generations have a lot of differing opinions. Knowledge about cryptocurrencies also seemed to correlate with investment motivation, interest in courses about them, belief in longevity, and willingness to use a payment system with cryptocurrencies. Pain points of cryptocurrencies also come up as things that should be improved in order to improve the willingness of people to utilize them in a payment system or to invest.
