
3-7-vuotiaan lapsen motorisen kehityksen tukeminen hiihto-, luistelu- ja pyöräilytaitojen taustalle: opas vanhemmille


3-7-vuotiaan lapsen motorisen kehityksen tukeminen hiihto-, luistelu- ja pyöräilytaitojen taustalle: opas vanhemmille

Mastering the fundamental movement skills plays an important role in the development of an active lifestyle. Additionally, a good mastery of these skills helps to cope with the physical challenges of everyday life, and it has been discovered that they form the basis for the development of sport-specific skills. Furthermore, previous studies have shown that fundamental movement skills among Finnish children need to be improved. The aim of this thesis was to create a guide for the parents of 3–7-year-old children so that they can support their children to develop the skills that are important in learning the sport-specific skills in cross-country skiing, skating, and cycling. The purpose of the thesis was to provide information for the parents and the staff of HLS Fondo Ltd. on how to support children in developing these skills. The guide was printed by HLS Fondo Ltd. The exercises in the guide were planned on the basis of theoretical knowledge, and they were selected to develop different fundamental movement skills, that is, balance, locomotor and ball skills. The requirements of fundamental movement skills needed in cross-country skiing, skating and cycling were taken into account. In future, it could be interesting to explore the experiences of the children who have been performing these exercises. Moreover, it would be interesting to find out what kind of impact the exercises have had on their fundamental movement skills. Another fascinating perspective would be to examine the role of cognitive development in the development of fundamental motor skills and sport-specific skills.
