
Päihdekuntoutujien asumisen tukeminen : kevyesti tuetun asumisyksikön toimintamallin kehittäminen A-klinikkasäätiön Hämeen palvelualueen Pitkämäen kuntoutusyksikön asumispalveluihin

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Päihdekuntoutujien asumisen tukeminen : kevyesti tuetun asumisyksikön toimintamallin kehittäminen A-klinikkasäätiön Hämeen palvelualueen Pitkämäen kuntoutusyksikön asumispalveluihin

The aim of this development project was to reduce the social exclusion of substance abusers, enhance the rehabilitation and develop the housing services of Pitkämäki rehabilitation center in Häme service area of A-clinic Foundation to meet the clients' needs and the requirements of the operating environment. The objective was to produce for the housing unit of Pitkämäki rehabilitation center an operational model, which supports the independent coping of substance abusers with outpatient services.

The development project was executed as a dialogue action research in cooperation with rehabilitees, staff, the management of the organisations and the actors of the operating environment. The basis of the development actions was to enable the users involvement in the development of the new model. In addition to that, versatile expertise and experience from different angles were needed in the development process.

Temporary housing of homeless substance abusers can prevent their social exclusion and long-term homelessness. Ensuring of the housing allows holistic rehabilitation process to start and proceed. Additionally, supported housing reduces the social costs. The target of living in a housing unit must be the development in skills of habitation and to succeed later in living in a private apartment.

A model for temporary housing from the point of view of rehabilitation and inclusion was formed during the development project. Rehabilitation aspect can be seen in substance-free, systematical and long-term living and also in personal service guidance. The aspects of inclusion emerge from encouraging rehabilitee to use services outside housing unit and participate in other communities, as well as in making rehabilitee's expertise visible in communal housing unit activities and development. The expertise of rehabilitees can be made visible with developing peer activities together with rehabilitees. Furthermore, rehabilitees can benefit from development of cooperation with social services, multidisciplinary approach and development of functionality.

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