
4-12-vuotiaiden lasten kokonaisvaltaisen kehityksen huomioiminen osana liikuntataitojen opettelua : Hiihtorieha-opasvihko tukena hiihtotaitojen opettelussa ja lajiin tutustumisessa

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4-12-vuotiaiden lasten kokonaisvaltaisen kehityksen huomioiminen osana liikuntataitojen opettelua : Hiihtorieha-opasvihko tukena hiihtotaitojen opettelussa ja lajiin tutustumisessa

hakola ja heikkinen opas.pdf (Lapland University of Applied Sciences - Theseus)
hakola ja heikkinen PDF.pdf (Lapland University of Applied Sciences - Theseus)

Our functional thesis is meant to inspire four to twelve years old children in developing their skills in cross-country ski by using simple tasks meant to improve their motor skills. This thesis includes a report and a guidebook. The report is a collection of theoretical knowledge and it describes the procedure followed while producing the Hiihtorieha-guidebook. This thesis was commissioned by Mikko Nurmela, who is the main instructor of a children’s skiing school in Ounasvaara´s skiing circle.

The aim of this thesis is to develop children’s skiing competitions in to more playful event’s During playful event’s, joy and feeling of success play very important role, unlike competing against each other. The idea of this kind of skiing events was created with the commissioner. The purpose of this thesis is to increase knowledge on the importance of playing and having fun as a way to learn and develop new skills. The guidebook of skiing events consists of different kind of functional tasks, where the development of children’s motor skills, psychical skills, and physical and social development has been assessed.

In conclusion, it can be stated can that the development of playful events for children’ is a very current issue. In light of this, it can be added that these kinds of playful events would be more needed in the future, since competitions and the lack of success which may derive from them could cause negative attitude towards physical activity and sports in general. Follow up action of the thesis is to be implemented in the guidebook in practice.

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