
MAKING A DIFFERENCE : A Report on Learning by Developing – Innovation in Higher Education at Laurea University of Applied Sciences


MAKING A DIFFERENCE : A Report on Learning by Developing – Innovation in Higher Education at Laurea University of Applied Sciences

Within the context of Finnish Higher education reforms Laurea University of Applied Sciences sought to review its own innovation of its Learning by Developing (LbD) model. This report sets out the background to LbD within the context of a conceptual framework of project based learning and provides findings from the study. Five main recommendations are made for the continued expansion of LbD.

Learning by Developing (LbD) is an innovative operating model which requires students to undertake projects rooted in the world of work aiming to produce new practices, the progress of which requires collaboration between teachers, students and workplace experts. LbD may also be described as a learning vehicle for the development of two sets of competences. The first being generic such as work/life knowledge and skills and the second being subject specific competences.

LbD is a comprehensive shift. It is a bold step for an Institution to take. To grow it and to make it sustainable is an even bigger challenge. The review has indicated that there is both the will and the skill within Laurea to take this journey of LbD and other Higher Education Institutions are encouraged to stay in touch with Laurea as people within are open to sharing the lessons.
