
Kotihoidon tarkistuslista uuden asiakkuuden alkaessa

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Kotihoidon tarkistuslista uuden asiakkuuden alkaessa

Date of the bachelor’s thesis

20.4.2016 Author(s)

Anni Oinonen Degree programme and option Nurse education

Name of the bachelor’s thesis Check list for home care employees as new clientship begins


In this study I will produce a check list for home care employees to be used with new clients and I also update the brochure for home care in Pertunmaa. The aim of the check list is:

1) improve patient safety and quality of care in home care 2) clarify the content of the services to the client 3) more efficient use of working time 4) to reduce the duplication

The target of the study is Pertunmaa home care. The work has been produced following the product development process.

The use of check list has in many cases been proved to make work more efficient and reduce the possibility for errors. The need for the check list arose from home care employees, and thus they are motivated to use it. Contact details have been updated and the issues to be taken into account with new clients have been described in the brochure.

As a result of this study I will compile the forms and brochures included in the check list into a folder. Because of this, the check list will serve as a working tool for home care employees in the best possible way. The home care unit in this study can utilise the check list and brochure in home care services

The homecare unit in this study can utilize the check list and brochure in home care services. As a follow-up study there could be potential for a similar check list for home care employees at the end of a home care clientele. Also a follow-up study could be 1) How will the check list improve patient safety and quality of care? 2) How will the check list and brochure make home care services more clear for the client? 3) How does the check list make the use of time of home care employees more efficient? and 4) How does the check list reduce duplicate work of home care employees?

Subject headings, (keywords) home care, home nursing, checklist, clientship

Pages Language Finnish 30 + 3

Remarks, notes on appendices 2 appendices: checklist and brochure Tutor

Sirkka Erämaa Bachelor’s thesis assigned by Pertunmaan kunta/Kotihoito

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