
Gaming the Metaverse : user experience analysis and insights from Fortnite


Gaming the Metaverse : user experience analysis and insights from Fortnite

This thesis explored user experience (UX) in metaverse landscape design, focusing on user-generated content (UGC) and Massive Multiplayer Online (MMO) gaming platforms, with Fortnite as a case study. The analysis aimed to address challenges in motivation and engagement, emphasising user retention.

Methodologies included theoretical frameworks, comparative metaverse platform analysis, playtest, players’ feedback session, and UX professional interviews. The findings emphasised the balance between freedom and structure in UGC platforms, highlighting the significance of gamification, challenges, rewards, and progression systems. Player preferences for community and teamwork, alongside concerns about negative behaviour, were identified. Common themes included usability critiques, incentivising rewards, and the impact of customisation on engagement.

The thesis concluded by underscoring gaps in metaverse-specific UX methodologies, advocating for tailored frameworks. Insights from experts, players, and gamification analysis contributed to understanding metaverse challenges and opportunities. The discussion explored implications emphasising user-centred design and informed analytics offering methodologies for enhancing user experiences in the evolving metaverse design landscape.
