
Mother and Son


Mother and Son

“Mother and Son” portrays the relationship between the photographer Kasper Dalkarl and his mother. It’s a collaboration between the two, consisting of staged and semi-staged photographs pictured in places personally meaningful to the photographer, or to them both.

In 2015 my father died, an event that in many ways changed the dynamic in the relationship with my mother. The shared experience of losing a close family member brought us closer together, and, over time, an equal and mutually supporting bond was formed in contrast to the traditional relationship between the parent and the child. Herein lies what the series aims to explore – the portrayal of the relationship between mother and son.

With the aid of photography, this Master’s Thesis aims to not only explore and show a relationship between a mother and a son, but also to relate it to how mothers and their adult children have been portrayed throughout art history as well as by other contemporary artists.

With this project I wanted to focus on what I have, rather than on what I have lost. In short, this body of work was made by me, for me and for my mother, in what became a personal series of images.
