
Kolme väitöstutkimusta uudistamassa ammatillista opettajuutta : pedagoginen suunnittelu ja osaamisen kehittäminen digitaalisissa oppimisympäristöissä


Kolme väitöstutkimusta uudistamassa ammatillista opettajuutta : pedagoginen suunnittelu ja osaamisen kehittäminen digitaalisissa oppimisympäristöissä

Renewal of Professional Teacher Education: Three Doctoral Studies of Pedagogical Design and Competence Development in Digital Learning Environments

Universities of Applied Sciences providing professional teacher education utilise a wide variety of anticipatory and research information, and the aim of research, development, and innovation (RDI) is to develop, apply and disseminate diverse pedagogical models and practices. This article examines the models for pedagogical design and competence development presented in three educational doctoral studies completed in 2019–2020. These studies share the topics of competence-based professional teacher education, digital solutions, and pedagogical design and related competence.

The models developed in the context of professional teacher education and in-service training are also more widely applicable to higher education and to different operating environments in the teaching and development activities of professional teachers. The article brings together recommendations that focus on competence-based viewpoints, digital solutions in learning, pedagogical design skills, and continuous learning. All studies provide results and recommendations that can be applied to ongoing learning and to the development of competences in teacher education and during a career.
