
Kiusaaminen ja siihen puuttuminen peruskouluissa - Kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus

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Kiusaaminen ja siihen puuttuminen peruskouluissa - Kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus

The purpose of this thesis was to find out how successful it has been to intervene into bullying in primary schools. The aim was to bring trustful information about methods that have been productive and preventive on intervening bullying in schools. Also the aim was that research result could be utilized in primary schools.

Overview was started by looking theoretical information about the research subject. After acquainting to the theoretical information, a tentative literal overview was made. After that research Gallup poll was made. Research question was: ‘’By which procedures in Finnish primary school has been intervened to school bullying success-fully?’’. Based on the research question there was a carry out from the basis of origi-nal material from different databases. After that point choice was made from original studies. From original researches, there was a choice made from five researches, which included three Master’s thesis researches, one dissertation and one research project.

From the results of researches we can conclude, there is not only one and clear dis-tinct way to intervene bullying in schools successfully. The attitude of teacher, moti-vation and efficient intervening into bullying were clearly seen as positive matter. Parents’ example and strong anti-bullying actions also promotes intervene to bullying. Co-operation between home and school is also very important; inter alia meetings to-gether are in significant position when it comes to successful intervening to bullying. Different kinds of actions and programs also promote to intervene to bullying in school. Thus the most essential methods are the intervention, the cooperation and plans of action.

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