
Yhteisökasvatus osana lastensuojelulaitoksen arkea


Yhteisökasvatus osana lastensuojelulaitoksen arkea

How has the community education shaped the everyday life in one child protection unit? Where did we start and what have we accomplished? How could we still develop the community educational thinking in everyday life? The meaning of this development project was to research the one year “trip” in the community educational program in Pori`s one child protection unit and develop the community educational thinking and working in the unit`s everyday life considering children`s participation.

This development project was participatory action research. Action research was good for this project because it was supposed to develop the everyday life in one child protection unit and I also attended in the development. In this project there is also observed BIKVA-models critical client aspect. The material for the research was mainly gotten by using group conversation and theme interview methods. There is also observed learning café method in the last group conversation.

The group conversation method was used by work community. There were in total four conversations. The first conversation was about to repeat the material from the community education program. The main was to refresh the material and answer the question: why did we go to the community education program by the beginning? Second conversation was about questions: what was the situation in the child protection unit before the community education started? What changed along the way? What were the challenges and where do we stand now?

The theme interviews were done with the children who lived in this child protection unit. There were theme interviews with five children, with one child at the time. In the third group conversation which was on a work community`s development day we went through the results from the children`s interviews. After this we started to discuss about the results by thinking the everyday life development, community education and increasing the children`s participation. In the last conversation we observed thoughts of learning café method. The last conversation was about the community education`s principles and how these were visible in this unit.

With this development project we got enforced the community educational thinking and working and it brought us enthusiasm to permanently develop the everyday life in this child protection unit. It also strengthened the importance of the community educational thinking and children`s participation in their everyday life. One of the results of the development project was also a document compiled for unit`s introduction file of its community education. The permanent development of community educational thinking and working was experienced important and it was decided to continue also after this project.
