
Porin Tekniikkaopiston sekä Porin Palveluopiston yhteisen tukipisteen Pysäkin toiminta

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Porin Tekniikkaopiston sekä Porin Palveluopiston yhteisen tukipisteen Pysäkin toiminta

This study was carried out in cooperation with Pysäkki, which functions within Pori College. The working principles of Pysäkki include supporting school attendance and helping the young to acquire self confidence. The object of the study was to find out the opinions of the youngsters who use this facility, how it works and what effect it has on the lives of the youngsters. We have tried to complete a variety of questions that the youngsters can answer easily. The study shower who go to Pysäkki are extreme satisfied with the principle of its function, and its influence on their lives. The atmosphere and the surroundings are thought to be a pleasant place to work in. Problems seem to affect boys just the same as girls. Subjects with a certain amount of mathematics or foreign language seem to cause the most problems. The youngsters feel that the teachers help them in many ways, and that influence shows, in the improvement of self-confidence Pysäkki has given the youngsters the motivation to study, and more energy to attends school regularly. The purpose of this study was to find out the opinions of the youngsters who to Pysäkki, how it works, why its functions is important and why it should be show to others, in that way assuring its future. Our aim was also, that the teacher at Pysäkki can benefit from this study.

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