
Kyselytutkimus verkkokauppojen käyttötottumuksista

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Kyselytutkimus verkkokauppojen käyttötottumuksista

While e-commerce is increasing globally important questions about functionality and user-friendliness stand out. The objective of the thesis is to survey usage habits and opinions of people from all age groups and all life situations in Seinäjoki area concerning e-commerce today. Comparing essential functions between e-commerce and traditional stores divides them clearly. Inquiry surveys for gathering data were sent via e-mail and paper document. The data were analyzed by SPSS Statistics – software. Based on the results, the most important matters when, selecting between e-commerce and traditional stores, are price, range of items and reliability towards the store. Both ways of business have their own strengths and weaknesses. The general opinion about e-commerce was very positive.

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