
Asiakirjallisen tiedon salassapito kunnallishallinnossa

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Asiakirjallisen tiedon salassapito kunnallishallinnossa

The provincial archives in Hämeenlinna performed an inspection of Nastola municipality’s archival function into Nastola municipality’s central administration’s archival function and central archives as well as into the technical office’s archives. The inspection was based on the Archives Act 831/1994. According to section 10 of this act the Archives Institution has the right without hindrance by secrecy regulations to access data from the archival function of archive builders and to inspect archiving by archive builders that falls within the scope of the act. The inspection revealed as a shortcoming-, that Nastola municipality’s archives building plan includes only referential information on the publicity/secrecy of the document. The Archives Institute obliged Nastola municipality to correct the detected shortcomings.

The aim of this thesis is to determine the secrecy, secrecy periods and secrecy grounds for documentary information in Nastola municipality’s municipal administration according to publicity legislation, personal data legislation and the municipality’s own regulations. As a result, a plan for Nastola municipality’s archives building will be generated corrected according to instructions given by the Provincial Archives and added with secrecy, secrecy period and secrecy grounds.

By developing the IT-based management system for documentary information it would be possible for the organization to achieve a management system that would include the secrecy grounds for the material to be logged into it. With such a management system, it would be possible to increase the efficiency of the organization’s information service and the function of serving the publicity of authorities' activities because the realization of the principle of publicity also in practice requires that the authorities determine and evaluate in advance e.g. the publicity of the information to be saved in the registers-, and that they assure that it will be easy to access public information in such a way that secret information is not revealed.

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