
Ryhmähoidon vaikutus päihdeasiakkaan ahdistuksen kokemukseen

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Ryhmähoidon vaikutus päihdeasiakkaan ahdistuksen kokemukseen

The purpose of this study was to start a target group for anxious customers, who are in substance abuse rehabilitation explore the effect of this group anxiety. Customers experiences were collected. The group process challenges and opportunities were also examined. The thesis was done in collaboration with Kankaanpään A-home customers. Data was collected with quantitative instruments wchich measured the customer's anxiety and group work experience. In addition open questions and diary were used. The answers were analyzed with an excel -programme and the open questions with content analysis. The aim was to get tools to help alleviate anxiety.

The results suggested that anxiety decreased 41 %, anxiety experience ranged from 29 % and remained the same 18 %. Experience in the group ranged from 50 % group participated in group sessions between, overall increased by 26 % and remained unchanged 21 %. The challenges and opportunities were place, time and the therapist's role in group cohesion.

The self awareness strengthened. The group was able to learn more positive way of thinking in relation to oneself, as well as the social environment. Group helped the peer group and the therapist. In exchange of experience, the group was seen as important, as well as new operating models and the thought of learning. Mindful exercises were considered to be useful. In the future, group and individual work should be developed, as well as more efficient use of the now developed model and in non-institutional care. Parallel development project could take place in a longer follow up period.

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