
Kaupunkiluonnon vaikutus terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin

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Kaupunkiluonnon vaikutus terveyteen ja hyvinvointiin

The health effects of nature has been studied increasingly since 1980, but the knowledge of urban nature has not been included on these studies and therefore the knowledge of urban nature has not increased as much. The health effects of urban nature are significant, because nowadays majority of people lives in urban areas.

The purpose of this thesis was to use descriptive scientific literature to find out the health effects of urban nature as well as well-being of people (n=66). Other purpose was to develop questionnaire for citizen’s living in urban areas and to pilot it. The objective is to enhance citizen’s health and well-being with urban nature. This thesis has been done for Turku university of applied science’s Picnic2 enterprise.

The urban nature has a pervasive influence on human health. It effects on psychological, physical and social health and well-being. The urban nature correlates with mood, stress control, obesity, allergies, skeletal-muscular diseases, cardiovascular diseases, exercising, adaptation and community. Increasing the nature's portion in urban areas increases the positive effects to health and well-being. Parks and green areas should be placed so that they are accessible and as close as possible to residential areas.

The questionnaire made in this thesis has been piloted on Turku, Pori and Raisio (n=23). All the participants in the premilinary testing felt that nature has a positive effect on mood. All the participants also felt that green areas should be near their residential area. Opinions differed concerning about the amount on exercise compared to the amount of green areas. Half of the participants thought that they would exercise more if green area would be closer. The questionnaire was improved after the premilinary testing.

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