
Keskitetyn työvuorosuunnittelun mallintaminen Suur-Seudun Osuuskaupassa


Keskitetyn työvuorosuunnittelun mallintaminen Suur-Seudun Osuuskaupassa

The purpose of this thesis was to model and document the centralized work shift planning of the client organization, Suur-Seudun Osuuskauppa. Centralized work shift planning is a core part of Suur-Seudun Osuuskauppa’s human resources and it plays a significant role in the optimization of staff resources. It was important for the client that the so-called tacit knowledge of the centralized work shift planning was modeled into a process description.

The theoretical framework of this thesis comprises of a literature review that discusses processes. The chapters on theory look into work shift planning on a more general level. The current process of centralized work shift planning was documented by taking notes of the different stages of the work shift planning process. Existing materials and discussions with different stakeholders on work shift planning were also utilized. The theoretical basis gave a foundation to model the centralized work shift planning process.

The end result was a general level process description on centralized work shift planning. The process description was done as a process flowchart and the supplementing verbal description. The process description can be used when developing the centralized work shift planning further. Additionally, the process description can be used as a tool for onboarding of new superiors at Suur-Seudun Osuuskauppa.

Finally, the thesis discusses development proposals for improvement that were found during the modeling process.
