
Opas lasten neuropsykiatrian päiväosastojaksolle tulevalle lapselle


Opas lasten neuropsykiatrian päiväosastojaksolle tulevalle lapselle

The purpose of this bachelor´s thesis was to produce a written guide for the Paediatric Neuropsychiatry Unit at Tampere University Hospital. The guide is intended for children aged 5–12 who are going for day ward period in the paediatric neuropsychiatry unit. The purpose of the guide was to inform patients, as well as their parents and guardians, in written form about what happens during the day ward period in the paediatric neuropsychiatry unit.

This bachelor´s thesis addresses ADHD, autism spectrum disorders, and Tourette's syndrome from the perspective of paediatric nursing. The bachelor´s thesis discusses the symptoms of these neuropsychiatric disorders in children, as well as the natural features of the disorders. The bachelor´s thesis includes a separate section on paediatric psychiatric nursing in the treatment and methods of these disorders, including diagnosis, examination methods, and patient interviews. Only source material in Finnish has been included in this bachelor´s thesis to ensure its reliability.

The goal was to make a guide that is clear and easy-to-read through paying attention to the layout and images. The guide is intended to be sent by the client organization to the patient with an invitation letter so that the patient and their close ones can familiarize themselves with the unit's operations in advance, and children can better understand the course of the day in the ward unit.
