
Taskuopas systemaattisen toiminnan tueksi Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun ensihoitajaopiskelijoille


Taskuopas systemaattisen toiminnan tueksi Kaakkois-Suomen ammattikorkeakoulun ensihoitajaopiskelijoille

Checklists were first introduced as early as 1930 in aviation, when the limitation of memory came apparent from accidents. Checklists came from aviation to nursing, when it was discovered they cut back mistakes. The purpose of checklists is to lessen the possibility of human errors by supporting memory and adding systematic functions. This creates more patient safety and increases safe action, especially in rare cases. The purpose of this thesis was to create a handbook, based on research for the SouthEastern Finland University of Applied Sciences paramedic students. The goal was to increase the systematic functions and patient safe practices, even in simulated practice. The thesis was made as a practical thesis. The research methods used were systematic literary studies and consultation from group of experts. The thesis was made for SouthEastern Finland University of Applied Sciences. Systematic literary studies was used to discover what kind of checklists were in use and what the most common ones in use for health care or nursing was. Systemized literary studies were opened a checklist by checklist in this thesis. The consultation of experts was used to discover what kind of checklists were appropriate to use in education. The content of handbook is up-to-date and the theoric information is based on researched information. The structure of the handbook was directed to the targeted group and fulfilled the needs of the client. Based on the literature review and the consultation of a group of experts, a conclusion can be made that the handbook creates the prerequisites for patient safe and systematic action, even in simulated training.
