
Muslimipotilaan kohtaaminen hoitotyössä. Tietolehtinen hoitohenkilökunnalle


Muslimipotilaan kohtaaminen hoitotyössä. Tietolehtinen hoitohenkilökunnalle

In Finland, multiculturalism is increasing all the time with immigration, which poses chal- lenges and development needs for social and health care. The second largest religion in the world, Islam and number of muslims has increased in Finland. This thesis deals en- countering a muslim patients in nursing. The purpose of thesis was to prepare a leaflet for encounter with muslim patients with the nursing staff of the Eastern Savonia Hospital Dis- trict. The aim of thesis was to increase knowledge of the Islamic religion as part of the de- velopment of multicultural nursing. The development needs came from the client comissioner, The Eastern Savonia Hospital District. In the idea-phase, we decided to the topic and delimit it with the client comis- sioner. In the drafting phase, we searched for information, which led to a literature review, and we made plan of the thesis. After it, during the development- phase, we made the first version of the leaflet, which was pre- tested with limited target group, and we gathered feedback from them. With the feedback, we received during the finalization phase, we made the necessary corrections to the formality of the text in the fact sheets and added suggestions such as the confrontation of death and the encounter of a nurse of different sexes with a Muslim patient. The product development process resulted in a four- page leaflet, summarizing information on the Islamic religion and guidelines to facilitate interaction and topics important in nurs- ing, such as nutrition, clothing, care and medication, caring for relatives, facing death and Ramadan. With regard to further development, it could be investigated whether new devel- opment needs for multicultural competence will arise in the future and whether the fact sheet will meet these.
