
Markkinamekanismit palvelujen tuotannossa: Itämeren logistiikkapalvelut

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Markkinamekanismit palvelujen tuotannossa: Itämeren logistiikkapalvelut

European Union defines the framework for deregulation that each member country adheres to when the logistic and infrastructure services are developed. The circumstances for deregulation in the Baltic Sea region's states vary and in some cases the public sector has remained the only operator. Socio-economically strategic companies have often been kept within the control of the public sector in order to ensure the development according to the long term objectives. Reducing the level of control may also end up as dispersed networks. The way the production of infrastructure services are arranged and the use of market-oriented approaches can affect the speed of infrastructure development and the level of services. Privatisation cannot guarantee the efficiency but can facilitate innovations and supply capital and enhance transparency. Incentives for supply and quality of services can be strengthened by new models of tendering. Key words: Market oriented services, Baltic Sea logistics

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